The power of insight™

Pine Hill Group offers an array of accounting and financial services that transform the way our clients do business. Our unique offerings deliver on three promises – knowledge, adaptability, and service.

We not only help companies like yours get through challenges and crunch times, we enable you to maximize key opportunities, to properly account for complexities that arise, and to ensure that all decisions drive the financial health of your business. We provide expert staff, and their knowledge, on a highly flexible basis. This could take the form of an interim CFO or a team of experts on a discrete project or long-term assignment. And we do our utmost to empower your in-house accounting teams so that they are more prepared in the future. By offering our services in a more affordable manner, we enable companies to make bigger plans.

When you’re considering a deal, or going through any part of the transaction cycle, we’re there to provide the business insight you need—ahead of time. We’re not only discreet; we’re skilled at guiding both sides to a better conclusion. Our experts possess hands-on knowledge of the entire investment lifecycle. Are you considering taking your company public? Perhaps you’re concerned about GAAP, IFRS, SEC compliance or other aspects of technical accounting. Call us. We have worked in senior management positions across multiple markets. Learn the processes that not only must be gone through for compliance, but that can also reveal vital information about your business.

Read more about our specific areas of service. Then call us—we’re ready to facilitate your goals.